Zenith Central Co., Ltd.
We are manufacturing of printing & paper packaging per customer demand. Emphasize on cost, standard quality and period of time for customer needs. Our team have specialist skill and more experiences for production line sections.
Our quality management under ISO 9001:2015 system, including high-technology machineries processing from start to finish. With regard to the environment management and material selection for the production processes without additives contaminants, compliance to RoHS and customer environmental standards.
Quality Policy - Zenith Central aiming to the continual improvement, produce the quality products, on time delivery and satisfied customer needed.
Quality Policy(explanation)
Environmental Policy(explanation)
Zenith Central Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of environmental conservation and energy savings. It was conducted in conjunction with the business community. To achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness, the company has implemented the development of technology in the modern environment. To be fully implemented in accordance with the following policy.